Post Star Article

The article in the Post Star ( in the life section) came out today. I had forgotten about it, but when I got home from work at the ARC this morning, Jon had picked up a few copies from the General store. It’s a really nice article and interesting to read about myself from a strangers point of view. Like standing outside of myself and observing my life. I like it, my life I mean. I’m not even bothered by the photo of me, I just thought, “oh, that’s what I look like.”

7 thoughts on “Post Star Article

  1. Maria, Isn’t it funny how we don’t really know what we look like through our own eyes? Even a recording of our voice sounds funny to our own ears, don’t you think? Nice article though. I like the way it talked about you and did not include information about you relationship with Jon Katz until near the end. Afterall, this article was suppose to be about you and your art. But then I am glad that he was mention at the end as it appears he is a big part of your life. All in all, it was a well balanced article and I think the writer did a great job getting across to the reader who you are and what you do and maybe even why.

  2. Hi Maria —

    was pleasantly surprised to see you in the Pine Grove’s copy of the paper this morning. great article and many congratulations on your upcoming wedding!



  3. Hi Maria, Thanks for including the article here on your blog. It’s great. I think the pictures are lovely. Thoughtful candids become you! I bet Jon is beaming with pride! (Too bad you couldn’t have slipped Frieda into one of the pics some way.) But I remember you saying that she was pretty well behaved that day actually.Thanks for sharing, Cindy Chambers

  4. Thank you for putting the link to the story on your page. I check out your site every couple of days to see what new items you have been working on. Unfortunatley, I have no ability what so ever when it comes to anything to do with sewing, so it is nice to enjoy someone elses. work & ability.
    thank you
    Kathy Hume

  5. I enjoyed the article very much. Liked what you said about being in the “full moon phase” of your life (I’m there as well). During a recent visit to see my mother (who’s 85,)she gave me a tiny quilt that she’d started making for me when I was little,but never finished. It’s about 3 ft. by 3 ft. made of 3″ squares of fabric, bits from things she’d sewn for me as a girl. I’d thought of making it into a small pillow, but that doesn’t seem quite right. Do you have ideas or suggestions? I don’t sew much myself , but would appreciate any inspiration or assistance you could give me about how to preserve this precious gift. Thanks so much!

    1. Hi Carol, I’d just finish it with a backing and some batting and either quilt it or tack it with yarn and use it as a wall hanging. It sounds like a very special personal piece of art that many people would be able to relate to.

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Full Moon Fiber Art