
\”reflection on YouTube\”

I’m thinking of my videos as visual poems.  If you click on the link above, you will see a video (or visual poem) of my drawing.   I’m experimenting with the videos as being short and atmospheric, expressing one idea or emotion.  Different from a still picture only in motion and sound.  I like the idea of interpreting the same image in different mediums. I wanted to draw this mirror because of it’s shape and the way the mirror hung in the supports.  It looked like some sort of creature that might get up and walk away or swing itself into motion.  The video seems to be more about the reflection of the mirror.  A witness to the inhabitants of the room and their effect on the space.

5 thoughts on “Reflection

  1. Hey Maria…I just caught up and have lots of comments. First, I think the potholders made from your drawings are sensational. Creative and well done. Second…doing videos can be lots of fun. I like to post them on my Journal, particularly those from my African Drumming sessions. Have some good ones of the horses too. Your reflections in the mirror was a great idea…just a glimpse. You and Jon have reached a new dimension! Third, the Gallery 99 show looked like a huge success. Another practical and outstanding idea.

    How is the Pig Barn Gallery coming along? Looks to me like all is well.


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Full Moon Fiber Art