Bedlam Back Porch

minnie and flo2

The last couple of days have been warm enough for the ticks to come out.  I pulled six or seven of them off me after going for a walk in the woods with Lenore this afternoon.

But the warm weather also means the cats actually want to be outside.  Today Minnie sat by the rocker and when I came out of the house started meowing her cigarette meow.  I guess we’re getting to know each other pretty well.  I scooped her up and put her on the rocker.  She stopped making noise and settled in.

When I came back from Glens Falls, where I picked up the free motion spring foot for my new machine, Flo as warming herself on the slate porch.  Soon the gray hen wandered over and Flo moved to the other rocker.  Unlike Minnie, Flo doesn’t think she a chicken.  Flo knows she’s the queen.

4 thoughts on “Bedlam Back Porch

  1. So lovely to see Minnie and Flo enjoying the warm sunshine, as are you. Beautiful and welcoming porch….

  2. Maybe something to step on would help Minnie get up on the rocker. My dog Leonard has a nasal tumor. He doesn’t have long with us but he still wants to do his usual things. The muscles in his legs are withering and he couldn’t get up onto his window perch anymore. I had a little wooden step made. Kind of like a box. He steps right up on that, gets in the window and the neighborhood watch begins. Even a flower pot turned over might give her a boost. Her spring is gone but with a little ingenuity you can give her something to assist with her disability and she will be so happy she’s doing it on her own again.

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Full Moon Fiber Art