From Sheep To Wool To Gloves and Shawls

Some of this season's Bedlam Farm Wool
Some of this season’s Bedlam Farm Wool

It couldn’t have worked out better if I  planned it.

At the Bedlam Farm Open House in just a couple of weeks, it’s going to be a sheep to wool weekend. (Click here for more info on the Open House)

First Suzy Fatzinger (who is making those yummy fingerless gloves) said she’d be coming on Saturday with her spinning wheel.  I pictured her sitting outside my studio spinning her magic.

Then another friend, Sue Smith said she’s bring her drop spindle (that’s a way of spinning wool with this little wooden disk with a dowel attached to it.  I can’t wait to see Sue do it, because I’ve tried to and found it impossible and fascinating at the same time) her spinning wheel and her knitting.

This was good enough.  We’d have the whole wool process on display over the weekend.

Jon and Red (and Fate, not really) herding the sheep.  Jim McRae will  shear  the sheep.  Suzy and Sue will spin roving into wool and Sue will be knitting the wool.  And you can also  see and buy some of Suzy’s hand spun and hand knit gloves and shawls.  The finished products.

The only part of the process that’s missing is cleaning the wool and making it into roving.  (I’m sure there are some people who do this part of hand, but most people send the fleece to the mill)

Then Jane McMillan (who has a new chicken pincushion this October) offered me one of the tents she uses at her art fairs.   Suddenly Suzy and Sue had a stage.  I could see them under the tent a glow and warmth emanating from them.  People sitting with them watching and asking questions.

I think spinning, like quilting, has a communal aspect to it.  When I see women spinning together, it’s like seeing women quilting together.  A coming together in work and friendship.

But then it even got better.  Yesterday I picked up my wool from last June’s shearing.  So now Suzy and Sue will be spinning and knitting with Bedlam Farm Wool.

It completes the process.  From Sheep to wool.

This means I’ll also have wool to sell at the Open House.  It seems the sheep are going to be the stars of the weekend.

Some of Suzy's handspun and hand knit fingerless Gloves
Some of Suzy’s handspun and hand knit fingerless Gloves

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Full Moon Fiber Art