My “Surrender” Quilt, A Video

Instead of writing about my “Surrender” Quilt I thought I would explain it in a video.  The quilt is already sold, and I’m  still working on it as you can see in the video.

I’ve been enjoying making these videos with Jon, he seems to know just the right questions to ask when I think I don’t have anything else to say.

There is one part of the story that I forgot to tell in the video.  It’s the dream I had after I fell back to sleep.

In the dream I was in a small cinder block room, with a high ceiling and no windows.   I felt trapped but I didn’t panicking I just thought I’d fly through the walls.  I made myself light and started to float.  I can still remember how intimidating the grey cinder block walls were.  How thick and impenetrable they seemed.  As I floated up, I turned around and saw there was a mirror on the opposite wall.  I knew that was easier to move through than the cinder block and easily floated through it to freedom.


5 thoughts on “My “Surrender” Quilt, A Video

  1. Hi Maria. The quilt is stunning. I am guessing what you surrendered is control of the outcome. My guess is that you were very, very present in your body-mind when you made the piece. Gorgeous work. Janet

  2. 😀

    It would be lovely if we could be in that space all the time. I am not able to do it, even though I have practiced meditation for years. My Zen Teacher was very present, but he wasn’t there all the time, either, which was very reassuring to me.

    Have a wonderful trip to India, Maria. Thank you for sharing your life online. I look forward to reading you blog every day.


  3. How I love this video!! Jon captures your vivacious, artistic personality, as does this vibrant quilt. We are all so excited about your upcoming trip to India! Annie

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Full Moon Fiber Art