Good bye “Spanish Moss”

Sold the last of my quilts from my quilt sale a few weeks ago.  “Spanish Moss” was the last to go.  I was planning on keeping it. It really is one of my favorites, an original design with great period fabric, I even knew where I was going to hang it in the house.  But when a dear collector of my work requested it, it seemed right to let it go. The natural process where we both benefit.   I really do believe letting go  of the old allows for new things to enter ones life.

I’m planning on using design like that in “Spanish Moss”  in my new “Rita Quilts”.  I don’t know if I’ll be doing anymore quilts like these first ones.  I’ve noticed in art, like in life, it isn’t a straight line.   I like thinking of progress as an upward spiral, not linear.  There are up swings and down swings, but each leads to the other constantly moving in one direction or the other, hopefully up.

4 thoughts on “Good bye “Spanish Moss”

  1. I read your statement, “I really do believe letting go of the old allows for new things to enter ones life.” This really resonated with where my husband and I are at in our life journey. Thank you.

  2. Wow Maria, haven’t been to your website in a while.For one thing,it’s nice to get to know the personality behind the art. For another I’m beginning to really like your quilts and appreciate the thought and creativity behind them. Like the new “Rita” concept. Loved the poem.The pictures enhance the visit to the site.Will be visiting the site more often.

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Full Moon Fiber Art