The Stuff in my studio

I first started sketching when Jon and I would be driving somewhere and he would stop to take pictures. It happened so often, I kept a book in the car. I’m not sure if it was inspiration, or competition, but I soon replaced the book with a sketch pad.

I always loved the exercise in life drawing class were we had to draw as much and quickly as possible in just one minute, before the model would change poses and we would begin a new drawing. Recalling this, as soon as the truck was in “park” I would pull out the sketch pad and start drawing, stopping as soon as Jon got back in the car. This worked for me in two ways. It made me not labor over a drawing which taught me to capture the essence of the subject matter and, since I was uncomfortable showing anyone my sketches, I could hide them from Jon before he got back.

I’m no longer hiding my drawings.

Inspired by my new sewing machine , sketching on the book tour , Rita, and the Creative Union Show at Redux Art and Antiques on Saturday Nov 13th ( I need to make some work for the show) I decided to make a new kind of potholder, one with quick sketches on it.

I though about what images would work on a potholder. I have a history of using tea in my art, so a tea cup was a natural and, conveniently there was one on my desk. That got me started on the idea to just draw what was in front of me. The light switch and outlet came next, then the wood stove and lastly, my favorite, the tissue box.

The ideas come easy when you’re surrounded by them. For tomorrow I’m thinking of my pink chair, computer, pincushion, and most obvious, the sewing machine.

13 thoughts on “The Stuff in my studio

  1. Hi Maria, These are totally unique,and beautifully crafted! They’ll make great potholders. You’re a true artisian. I’m in awe of you. But… favorite part of this blog by far is,”I’m no longer hiding my drawings.” You go girl.You grow girl!

  2. I love the sketches done in fibre and thread. Simple, yet there is so much meaning behind each one. Peg PS I think they would make wonderful pot holders, framed pictures or a quilt! The possibilities are endless.

  3. Those look good, Maria. The Tea cup always resonates with me. But where is Frieda the mythic forest denizen? I expect to see her leafy, canine face staring back from a potholder

  4. Your ideas are never ending, not only new but surprising. You make the ordinary fun and interesting. Love the tissue box. These are genius. I want some.

  5. Love the idea of sketches on potholders. Being a nature lover I’d like things you could see looking out your window.

  6. Will there be another date/time/location for Creative Union Show before Xmas……due to scheduling problems I can’t be there 11/13 ——I attended the summer show – enjoyed it and spent some $$$…I know the items can be purchased other ways, but that is a nice area to visit….love your work/ my friends were thrilled with the pot holders/love the note cards, too …..thanks.

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Full Moon Fiber Art