Meet me at the Center of the Earth

“Art is our salvation…it allows us to heal and helps us dream about what will make the world a better place.” Nick Cave

Seeing the Nick Cave exhibit, Meet me at the Center of the Earth at the Seattle Art Museum, made my heart surge, put a huge grin on my face and sent my mind spinning with ideas.  It pulled me out of myself and placed me in a magical yet familiar world where the possibilities were felt not intellectualized.

He makes bigger than life wearable sculptures  from doilies, buttons, sweaters, stuffed animals, trinkets  and artificial flowers, and toys  and then they dance.  If he was going for healing and dreaming, it worked for me.

2 thoughts on “Meet me at the Center of the Earth

  1. I’ve never heard of this artist, but wearable one of a kind art is very appealing. I know once, last year I told you about the book, Quilts to Wear by Virginia Avery, that I found at a library book sale. I find that to be intriguing, since that I have found some other booklets using bargello strip quilting to embellish clothing, also interesting.

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