Building a Center

These are both details from a streaming piece called “Building a Center”.  I’ve decided to make enough pieces for a show in the Pig Barn Gallery.  I’m not sure when it will be, it depends on how long it takes me to make them, but I’m thinking sometime in the spring or early summer.  I have 2 other shows planned first, a Functional Art Show, Columbus Day weekend and a show dealing with the stranger side of familiar stories in the Spring.

My streaming pieces are an effort  to pull from my subconscious, to try and tap into a hidden part of me and allow it to come  organically.  I often start these pieces with a figure, then allow the words and images to come.   I really have to get out of the way for this to happen, and I suspect with practice it will come easier and, or be more genuine.   Straight from the source to the fabric without my interference.

Many people have encouraged me to do more of these pieces, but it was Mary Muncil who gave me the idea to do a show.  We have plans for Mary participating in the exhibit, although we haven’t figured out the detail yet.

I have no doubt  it will all come together when the time is right.


22 thoughts on “Building a Center

  1. It is one thing to sit and doodle as thoughts come, it’s quite another to work with a sewing machine, and manipulate fabric with a little thumping needle and thread to produce flowing thought. I find it fascinating that you can do this and I love what you come up with. I’m assuming that is what is happening – I don’t get the impression that you’re sketching first on the fabric, (even if you were, it’s certainly still wonderful stuff).

    1. No Suzy, I’m not sketching first. Just put the fabric under the foot of the machine and sew. I do sometimes stop to look at it and see what is there and what comes to mind.

  2. What a great idea! I really like your potholders that are like this. I’m intrigued by these snippets and can’t wait to see more!

    1. Hey Christine, I haven’t made any potholders using this idea, somehow, it just doesn’t seem to work as a potholder for me, although I have thought about it.

  3. I am so glad that you take the time to explain the process of your art, Maria. I know that I like to see art, I very much like the bold color combinations you choose, but I don’t really understand art, and the explanations you provide are very enlightening and help me see even more in each piece. P.S. I love the pic of you and the sheep Jon posted on Mon morn, also, Annie

    1. Good to know Annie, It’s good for me to write about too, to understand it better myself. Yeah, I agree, Jon gets some good pictures.

  4. Teapots, cups, fans, mixers. Maria, you take ‘domestic goddess’ to a whole new level! I’m in awe.

  5. “When you see a thing clearly in your mind, your creative “success mechanism” within you takes over and does the job much better than you could do it by conscious effort or “willpower” -Maxwell Maltz

    I read psyco-cybertics written by Maxwell Maltz over forty years ago. I think the quote above applies so often in life.

  6. Maria,
    Your steaming pieces are wonderful. There are some nostalgic thoughts that are brought to my mind when I look at the work. Really enjoyed looking at these two frames that you posted on this blog. Very interesting and creative, indeed.

  7. I’ve commented before on how I enjoy your streaming pieces so much. So won’t be redundant here 😉 Just wanted to say that I love the combination of the colors and the objects here. The fan and the mixer look like retro models and the color (at least how it appears on the computer screen) is so perfect – retro turquoise – I think that color was used for kitchen appliances maybe in the 60’s just before the avocado green and autumn squash colors became popular.

    1. It’s one of those colors that is back in some ways again (especially clothes). I hadn’t thought of it in the kitchen appliance way, not consciously anyway. THanks Cheryl

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Full Moon Fiber Art