Don’t start thinking now

I have to credit my headache this morning for the creation of this quilt.  I planned on putting together my potholders today, but I took an Excedrin and, I’m blaming it on the caffine, my head was suddenly filled with the need to create something new.

I was thinking of corduroy so I started there, pulling out all the corduroy I had.  Unfortunately, I had reds and browns and a bit of green.  It just wasn’t working.   Not sure where to go from here, I went to  my quilting bible, the Gee’s Bend book.  As I was looking through it I realized that my inspiration didn’t come from specific designs or colors, but from the fact that each woman was working from her own intuition not looking outside of herself when making the quilts but within.  I found me asking myself, what would I do?

So I pushed aside the brown corduroy and left only the red.  I looked out my window and saw the fence posts surround the pasture and  in my mind saw squares of orange and red between randomly placed vertical lines. I looked through my boxes and shelves of fabric and pulled out the ones that spoke to me.  I stared making an uneven grid with yellow verticals and half way through I stopped and looked at it, unsure what to do next.  A voice in my head said, ” Don’t start thinking now.”   Good advice, I thought,  so I listened to my inner voice.

I’ll look at it again tomorrow before piecing it together and maybe I’ll think about it then, or maybe not.

13 thoughts on “Don’t start thinking now

  1. what a rich and vibrant color patch! the gentle yellow and the reds make each other pop. quite a contrast to the gentle quilt. both satisfy my sense of aesthetics and richness. thank you for the shot in the eye!

  2. I get a warm feeling about this quilt.
    I know I would think a lot if I was doing quilts but when there is a “picture inside” it can be done quickly if all the material is available.
    I do paper collage and the last one has been waiting for a special picture for a long time but I know when I see it it will fit perfectly I collect specific newspapers and cut images from them and sometimes I have to wait for the right image to appear. It all started years ago dealing with a sad mind and it helped a lot to be able to create something with my hands.

  3. This red is really beautiful. When I look at this it reminds me of my grandmother– her theory with anything she made was, the more red, the better! The last quilt you posted exuded calm. This speaks happiness.

  4. That voice in your head is really worth listening to! Thanks for sharing your creative process – it’s fascinating – and the result is beautiful.

  5. Maria, wow it’s beautiful. I think we do our most creative work when we
    don’t think about it and trust our intuition.

  6. Oh Maria!
    This is so beautiful. Yes, don’t start second guessing your inspiration.
    It seems to me your best so far.
    Love it!

  7. I love the fact that you can actually describe what you ‘see’ during your creative process (the fence posts and what they gave you). One of the best growing times of my life happened when I became great friends with a poet. Through listening to her thought processes, I found I was able to glimpse a whole dimension of a different perspective just co-existing right next to my own perspective. Your post today has reminded me of that time and how much it added to who I am now.

  8. I am always drawn most to the vibrant colors. These colors do look like a sunset, and I love what everyone has written about this quilt, they echo my thoughts exactly. Annie

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Full Moon Fiber Art