Many Blessings

Just as I was about to do a meditation in the Pig Barn, my friend Mary Reilly showed up.  So I invited her to join me.  I opened the doors, lit a candle and some incense and we sat on the cauldron surround.  I read the dedication that Mary Muncil wrote for the first blessing/cleansing of the Pig Barn in June. We sat in meditation until it felt right to come back.

It was so nice to have Mary’s company and spirit in preparing the space for the show.   She’ll be back on Sunday to help out.   Mary Muncil will bless the Gallery with her presence on Saturday around 2pm.  And Mary Kellogg will be there for the reception too,  perhaps we can persuade her to read a poem or two.

I guess that’s how the Pig Barn Gallery works, it pulls people in who are up for the ride.

Dedication of the Pig Barn by Mary Muncil

We honor all who have passed through these doors before us; all four-legged, two-legged, winged and crawling beings.  We honor you all.

We honor all who are here now.  All seen and unseen human and animal, all Spirits of love, life and truth.  We honor you all.

We honor all who will be here, after we have passed away.  We honor you all.

We stand in this sacred space and welcome all who come to share love, work, hope and the Spirit of Creation.


4 thoughts on “Many Blessings

  1. It was wonderful to see Jon in Columbus last night.

    I will be with you in thought and spirit over the wk-end. Everything looks so beautiful and exudes a sense of serenity and goodness. Mary’s dedication of the pig barn is very moving, made me teary.

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Full Moon Fiber Art