Paper Work

Frieda kept me company as I sorted through reciepts

I spent the day doing the paperwork from the show, and I’m not done yet. I have never, in my life, spent a whole day in front of a computer, (not being a computer person, I am once again grateful for my life.) so today was a first.   I figured out how to do things I’ve never done before, like make a spread sheet and then rearrange it, then print it out the way I wanted to.  (I admit I used a lot of paper and ink before getting it right).   I figured out that we sold over 200 pieces of art at the show.

I got so many requests from people who couldn’t come but wanted to buy some of the work that I’m thinking of starting an online Pig Barn Gallery.  Let me know what you think about it.  I think it could be a great way to support local artist and get their work to people who  really want it.   It could also be lots of fun.

32 thoughts on “Paper Work

  1. An online Pig Barn Gallery is a wonderful idea. You did such a fabulous job of introducing the artists and their work on your blog in advance of the show. That approach would work beautifully in an online gallery setting. Go for it!

  2. Dear Maria,

    I think your idea for an online Pig Barn Gallery would be fabulous! Especially with Christmas coming. There were so many exquisite things in last weekend’s show that I would have purchased had I been able to join you. Next year I do hope you plan another show in the fall. We will definitely be there!

    The barn looked beautiful. It is a gorgeous structure and having enjoyed many a visit to my parents “farm” (hardly the right term for their property)in Springfield, VT it brings back the fondest of memories. Bambie

  3. Dear Maria, You won’t be able to make your products fast enough if you get a site on the web. How do you feel about hiring employees to make your art under your direction and using your patterns? Think long and hard before you go ahead with this idea.

    Joey Krystyniak Vernon Hills, Il.

  4. Yes, Maria. Starting on line store for Pig Barn Gallery product sounds very good. I am happy to browse different artists work and be able to order the items I like. It is a great way to introduce local artists to the world. I went to 3 art shows while I was there for 3 days. I was very surprised to see many gifted artist’s work and it was a great blessing and joy.

  5. Kudos to you for today’s work! Your patience and perseverance are a good lesson for me.
    An online Pig Barn Gallery is a GREAT idea! Even better if it has lots of your pieces in it!
    Frieda is beautiful. :~)

  6. That’s a fab idea! I know I would be a grateful customer! Although, I did enjoy the time away from home and the lovely scenery and weather, it would be a blessing to see and purchase functional art throughout the whole year. Then another part of me feels that the warmth and spirit of the art loses some of that “mysticism” if you don’t get to touch and feel it first in or near the place it became…OH I do ramble…LOL!

  7. Maria, I think it would be a wonderful idea to have a Pig Barn Gallery online. I would love to be able to see and perhaps purchase art from it. I live too far away to attend the “real thing”. Go for it!

  8. Oh – I hope you do it!!! It sounds like lots of work – but fun work! I hope it won’t bump out your on-site craft fairs though – there is such a good feeling in your beautiful pig barn and property, and it’s a beautiful drive from probably anywhere!! Just be sure to do everything as required for tax purposes… Best wishes!
    PS – I sew and embroider and have been thinking of getting back into the craft show scene myself …. !

  9. and it’s such a great way to support each other and reach the “outer world”! I volunteered in the gift shop of a now defunct arts center and it opened up a lot of wonderful people, amazing artistry and neat experiences to me and mine.. do set boundaries, though — so it doesn’t consume you…..

  10. I love, love, love the idea of the Pig Gallery online!!! I’m in Arkansas and was so jealous of all the people who got to see the wonderful works of art last weekend…please do!!!

  11. I say go for it!! Look at your life/business a year ago and look at where you are now and what you have accomplished. Besides, this way I can get a potholder! lol

  12. I think that is a GREAT idea! I have been following both of you for quite a while now, unfortunately live to far away to participate in these events. I would feel like your neighbor if you sold your art on line. Awesome idea!
    Sheri from St. Louis

  13. Yes, please. Even though I don’t live that far away, I had to miss both of your Pig Barn events. I love the concept and what you are trying to achieve, so it would really be wonderful to have the opportunity to participate in a cyber version.

  14. Yes, Maria, I think an online store is a fabulous idea. However, rather than hiring people to mass-produce your art, hire a business manager to do the nuts-and-bolts stuff of packaging, mailing, bookkeeping, etc. That will free you to do your own art and further unleash your creativity.

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Full Moon Fiber Art