Full Moon Fiber Art Shipping Center


Woke up to snow this morning,  the January Spring gone again.  I was going to do some shipping last night, but it didn’t work out.   When ever I printed out an invoice, the electric heater would shut off.  That’s because I have 2 lights on along with the heater and printer. So it got pretty cold pretty quick in my upstairs office.   It’s the joy of old house heating  and 1950’s wiring.  In the morning I don’t need the lights so I can be warm and see what I’m doing.

Even though I have less space in my new “shipping center”, (I’m sharing the room with the guest bed)  I’m more organized. (even if it may not look like it from this photo)   Guess that’s what happens, less space forces me to make more of it.

Soon I’ll be off to the post office then hopefully I’ll get a few hours in  the studio.  Yoga tonight, I could use it.

4 thoughts on “Full Moon Fiber Art Shipping Center

  1. Dear Maria,
    I am about to “tackle my basement studio and storage space”. It isn’t where I sew, but rather where I store collections. I started a collection of shipping boxes years ago thatthat has become a monster–boxes thrown in a corner and is now all consuming and very dangerous. Most are unsuitable for my mailings and I will “tackle, tear down and find the floor again and create my own shipping center. Your’s looks very orderly indeed! I am impressed with your organization! I should take a picture of mine before I start. Truly pictures of collections of trash could be a new form of art for me! 🙂 jane

  2. Maria, I was thinking today of how one person can make a difference in many lives. You are such a person who shares what is in your heart so honest and openly. You are a great and noble lady!

    1. Why Thank you Mary Ann. I’m glad your comment did get through. It doesn’t seem like it does because I have to approve the comments before they get posted. This helps keep out spam and unrelated or unwanted comments.

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Full Moon Fiber Art