Healed beneath A Tree

brave and beautiful done

I saw my the bones of my feet standing in dark earth, like the roots of a tree.  The soil warm and rich, a rock or two between the bones where my feet had grown around them.      I was having a massage and Mandy was doing energy work on my feet.  As I’m writing this I realize it sounds like it could have been  scary, but it wasn’t, I felt safe and connected.  Later, when I told Mandy about my vision,  she got a big smile and said “Grounded, you are so grounded”.    Of course, how obvious now that she said it, like a dream that needs to be told to be understood.   During another massage, I saw swans on my feet.  They were soft and fluffy, with the feeling of swift, gentle movement.  These images, along with a guided meditation by Glenn Harold  (some helpful meditations you can get as an app) worked their way into this pillow.


I Was Healed beneath A Tree
Free As the Star that is Me
I Am Brave And beautiful

Strong  True  Grounded   Alive

4 thoughts on “Healed beneath A Tree

  1. Maria, This is so beautiful in every way – just as I’ve been seeing you in the relatively short time we’ve been in touch. Trees, stars and being grounded are fundamental in my own spiritual endeavors. Thank you again for sharing so much beauty.

  2. The beautiful borders actually present this pillow to you. Just so lovely. Now I understand all the swans and beaked animals on this. Exquisite. Of all the pleasurable feelings, feeling grounded is most precious to me.

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Full Moon Fiber Art