Jon’s Meaningful and Moving TED Talk

Jon during his TED Talk
Jon during his TED Talk

Okay, I know I’m biased, but in my opinion, Jon’s talk was the best TED Talk of the day.  And really it wasn’t just me.  I know because his was the only talk that got a group of people to give him a standing ovation.  And a couple of the other speakers came up to him afterward and said he stole the show.  Not that I’m being competitive about it, but his talk was really meaningful and moving.  So moving that a bunch of young women told him and me how they were brought to tears by his words.  (I told them he makes me cry all the time too, in a good way of course).  They gave him hugs and told him how he made them feel hopeful about their futures.  Then they hugged me too and told me Jon was a good man.

So how does a talk about creative aging speak to a bunch of 20 year old students?  Well, I’m not completely sure, and it’s not what I expected, but there it is.  You just never know who you’re going to touch and why.  I bet those women were a bit surprised too.

Jon surrounded by some of  the young women who gave him a standing ovation
Jon talking to  some of the young women who gave him a standing ovation

6 thoughts on “Jon’s Meaningful and Moving TED Talk

  1. Thanks for sharing this, Maria. I am trying to find some meaning for the end of my life. All my dreams have been shattered. I face the rest of my days alone. My late, former husband died a year ago Monday, Nov. 11. Not only that, but the love of my life, for 17 years, left me for a younger woman. I lost friends, a home, a dog. Many other things have brought me to my knees. It is easy to embrace life when you have someone to share it with. Being along makes you look forward to the end. I look forward to watching Jon’s talk when it comes to the internet.
    Blessings and peace to you both.

  2. Isn’t that SO TRUE that you don’t usually know who you are going to touch and why. When I really ponder the fears I felt in my twenties, the most troublesome one was that I’d run out of time to really ENJOY my life before I ever found out who I was, how I fit, what I was meant to do. Knowing an older person who has answered those questions, most surely brings HOPE!! God bless both you, Maria, and Jon for bringing that very hope and example to so many of us!! Annie

  3. Well, there you have it. If young women are saying he’s a “good man” – he really is. And I truly mean that. My daughter’s friends often say her dad is great. And he is – he truly cares and is always there (when he can) to help out. Young people are much smarter than we think. I read what Trella said above – breaks my heart. The only thing I can think of for her is … find a passion and immerse oneself. Weather it be reading, knitting, birding, writing, photography, etc AND volunteer. Volunteering, truly, is an amazing thing – it gives back 200%. Shy people are often afraid to take that step – but it is a step worth taking. I love seeing the elderly volunteers at hospitals – I wish I’d see more in schools, etc. I believe we need to see their faces, instead of tucked away out of sight. Didn’t mean to ramble…. Enjoy this busy time – I’m glad this new book “tour” is doing well!

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