Flannel and Sunflowers

Back of Body Temple
Back of Body Temple

Spent a couple of hours in the studio before it got too cold.  Enough time to get almost half of the tacking done on Body Temple.  The flannel sunflower backing was warm in so many ways.  I have a few couple more of these large pieces of flannel that Tess (the woman who bought my first quilt) gave to me.   She has flannel on the back of one of her quilts and  knew they would be snuggly for someone elses quilt.  Kimberly said she preferred flannel on the back, which I think was a good choice.
If it warms up, I may take some time over the weekend to finish Body Temple.


5 thoughts on “Flannel and Sunflowers

  1. I absolutely LOVE this picture of Freida and Lenore and maybe that’s Mother in the front. I am reading The Second Chance Dog..about 200 pages in and cannot put the book down–except, I had to check to see if there are any clues about Frieda now. I wish I could give Freida a big hug. I keep crying while reading about Freida, but this picture brings me a good cry.

    You are an amazing soul, Maria–you and Jon. I adore this whole story. I adopted two dogs (one was only supposed to be a foster…but she is like my magnet and was abused before me–I could never let her go.)

    Well, I have to get back to reading the story–Jon is making great break throughs. I love your story and your art work is absolutely beautiful. Love today’s video, too!

  2. I don’t think you could have put a more perfect backing! Sunflowers are my favorite flowers. This is great! 🙂

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Full Moon Fiber Art