I Know That The Horses Have Something To Teach Me

I know that the horses have something to teach me

I got an email from an old friend who I haven’t talked to in a while.  She wrote that she found it curious that I was becoming interested in horses and she, who has had horses for most of her life, now has no animals at all.  When I read this, my immediate though was…. I know that the horses have something to teach me. 

And that’s just how I feel about my new interest in horses.  I know there’s something there for me.  Something I need to say “yes” to.  I’m not even trying to figure it out anymore.  I’m just going for it. It makes me think of when I went to Gee’s Bend to stay and work with the Quilter MaryAnn Pettaway.  I had no idea what I was going to learn from her, but I knew I had to go and find out.

Jon and I visited our farrier Ken and his wife Eli this weekend.  Eli and I talked about me taking riding lessons from her and about Chloe, the pony who it  seems might be a good fit for me. I’m excited about it, but also in no hurry.  I know it will all come in its time.

When Simon, our donkey died, a door opened for me.  His leaving made way for a new beginning. And I know that new beginning has something to do with horses. I can clearly see the stepping-stones, from the donkeys, to Rocky to the NYC Carriage Horses to Piper at Blue Star Equiculture.  It’s just the next place for me to go and see what I can see.

I Know that The horses Have something To teach Me is Sold for sale.  It’s $100 + $8 shipping.  It’s 25″x25″and is stitched on a Vintage Linen Napkin.  If it speaks to you, you can email me here at [email protected].  I take checks and paypal.


5 thoughts on “I Know That The Horses Have Something To Teach Me

  1. You are right on Maria. Take it really slow. It would be so great to have an instructor that you already have a solid, trusting relationship with.
    Now, can I buy this?

  2. Maria, when I saw the stars on that blue fabric I immediately thought “blue star equiculture” before I even read your words. Lovely piece. I love the phrase “I don’t even try to figure it out anymore”.
    I often tell my more logical friends “I enjoy living in mystery”. Your open spirit models that for so many.

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