Cleaning Out My Scrap Box and Making Potholders

I like to try and always have potholders to sell.  Since I sold out of the last batch pretty quickly yesterday, I designed some more today.  I’ll have they done by the middle of next week.  Still time to ship them out for Christmas if anyone wants some for gifts. (They’re $15 each + $5 shipping for 1-2 and $7 shipping for 3 or more.  Shipping’s a bit more outside the US)

I cleaned out my two scrap boxes of fabric today.  It was bothering me because I didn’t know what I had in them.  I sorted through the fabric and made potholders at the same time.  I used  what I had in the two boxes and supplemented  with fabric from my shelves when the design required it.

It always surprises me how different the potholders look once they’re all sewn together.  How they become objects instead of pieces of fabric sewn together.

4 thoughts on “Cleaning Out My Scrap Box and Making Potholders

  1. Maria, I would love to buy one of your potholders…. anyone will be fine…. this is for my mother in law who also makes potholders… and I bought some of your wool a few months ago for her… I think she will,enjoy seeing your work… Thanks a lot… Rebecca Parham

  2. What a great mix of colors and patterns, so nice and bright in the snowy weather!

    I’ve been working with scraps of fabric a quilting friend gave me this week, as well as cutting up the good patches from some worn out scrub tops from coworkers. I help make little 3×3 catnip ‘pillows’ that we sell at the vets office where I work, and we always have a rush at this time of year. People get new ones for their own cats, and give them as gifts to friends with cats.

    Of course then I cast my eye over the pieces of leftover fabric that are not quite big enough, and wonder ‘could Maria use that in a potholder!’

    I’m happy to save the fabric for you, but wont be offended if, having just managed to empty your scrap boxes, the last thing you want is more scraps!

    1. I’m always up for more scraps Hannah. And still have the bag you sent with your mom during the open house. Sometimes,when a get a bag like that I like to try and use them all together. But I just never know. I bet those cats that visit your office have the prettiest catnip toys!

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