Monday Morning At Bedlam Farm 10/2/17

I hope that somehow the continuity of my Monday Morning videos is a comfort this morning.


6 thoughts on “Monday Morning At Bedlam Farm 10/2/17

  1. I hope to purchase some wool this year. It has been a while, and once I retire in January, it might BE a while! Can you give me a list of the colors you’ll have, when you know? Your Monday video does make me smile, every week. And sometimes laugh aloud. I love the tribe dolls. Does she make the to order–with a particular word? She surely has a website, so I’ll look into it. You studio looks great. Don’t you love freshly washed windows? I see how brightly the sun is reflecting on your studio walls.I can’t wai until October 2018!

    Have a wonderful Open House. Your plans are awesome!

    1. Does that mean you’re coming to the open house is 2018? I’d love to meet you Susie. I’ll put you on my wool list and let you know what I have when I get it. And you can contact Karen Heenan about a dolls,she does make them custom. Here’s a link to her etsy site where there’s a button to contact her about just that

  2. The crunch of the ground under your feet and the attention of the sheep. They are like fish swimming in schools. Many thanks, Maria

  3. Thanx, Maria, for this beautiful vid of the BF animals. They are so sweet, pure, simple, and grounding to see, especially after the tragedy in LV. Love the group shot of all the sheep and their sweet faces. Thanx for sharing. Hugs.

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Full Moon Fiber Art