“Becoming…” A Wall Hanging


“That’s me”,  I thought when I read the words The process of becoming in my “Language of the Goddess” book.

Even if I’m sometimes unaware of  it in my own life,  the shifts that come now are subtle.  Not like the  big ones that set me in motion.  They’re quieter, not big and dramatic like divorce, moving, starting a business.

This becoming comes from the work of everyday life.

Working on not being afraid to be honest with myself and others.   Learning when to say no and when to take what is offered.  Being able to get angry when it’s just. Knowing that disagreeing or  arguing  with Jon is actually healthy for the relationship.    Figuring out how to be a good friend and keep boundaries.

All these and more.  The seemingly small decisions and actions that make up my life.

So often I think of a lifetime in terms of the physical.  Of how the body naturally deteriorates.   But while that is happening, what is also possible is the continued process of becoming.

Becoming more of who we really are.  Becoming our true, authentic selves.

So as our bodies deteriorate, our souls expand.

I didn’t realize I was making a piece about Becoming when I first started it.

I drew the Goddess then the fish, then the archway around her.  I didn’t know it when I chose the symbols to  filled in the archway that they were of water (where  life began) and eggs.

I meant to draw circles around the archway, but they came out  egg-shaped.

When I went looking for the right designs to use on them, I came to the “Egg” Section of my Goddess book.  I  wasn’t consciously paying attention to what the symbols in the book were.  It was only after I finished stitching the designs in the ovals I saw the words “The process of becoming.”

Everything fell into place then.

What looks like an underwater sea creature to the left comes from one of Ernest Haeckel’s drawings from his book Art Forms in Nature.

And the fish, of course, come directly from my life, from the fish Jon bought me for my birthday.  Two goldfish, Frida and Diego, who I love to watch more than I ever would have imagined.

Becoming…” is for sale Sold.  It’s 23″ x 24″ and is $175 + $10 shipping.

If you’re interested in it, you can email me here at [email protected].  I take checks and PayPal.



4 thoughts on ““Becoming…” A Wall Hanging

  1. Maria,
    As one who is dealing with physical and emotional problems of aging, your comments about becoming one’s real self as we grow older is so insightful. Many times recently I have asked myself, “Why didn’t I see this before now?” And maybe some never see the their true selves. Thanks for Becoming.


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Full Moon Fiber Art