4 thoughts on “Fate Gets Sheep, Gus Gets Fate

  1. I was just catching up on your morning videos and noticed in one of them the sheep had finished with their morning hay and the donkeys were still munching on theirs. Soon the sheep began to wander over and it appeared one was going to start in on the donkey’s hay. Do Lulu and Fanny permit this outright theft of their hay?

    1. Sometime they do Debbie and sometimes they don’t. They chase the sheep away. But then they eat the sheep hay sometimes too. They seem to figure it all out.

  2. Hi Maria,
    I especially enjoyed your cactus postings…
    I live in south Florida and the people I know from the Southwestern USA cook and eat those kinds of cactus…
    I wondered if you knew you could prepare them and eat them?
    They are very good…
    I am also following John’s blog postings about your adorable Gus and his health issue…I hope for the best for him and so much admire you both for the herculean task you have taken on to take care of him…
    Best regards, Jackie 🙂

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