Enjoy Your Holiday Weekend….

Zelda and Kim

Jon surprised me with an overnight stay at one of our favorite hotels in Brattleboro Vermont.  We’re leaving as soon as I finish blogging.

I wish I could be more gracious when Jon surprises me with something like this.   But sometimes I just get nervous about leaving and thinking of all the things I should be doing instead of taking some time off.  That happened this time, and I’ve been in a weird mood since Friday night.

Luckily Jon knows me well enough for it not to bother him.

We both know that once I get in the car and head away from home, all those things which were so “important” (like doing laundry and picking the tomatoes and finally hanging the pictures in the upstair hallway, etc…) will drop away.

Being on the road does that for me.  Heading away from home and its responsibilities frees me almost instantly.

We’re back tomorrow,  but not till after breakfast, so  my Monday Morning Video will be a Monday Afternoon video.

Enjoy your holiday weekend all!

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Full Moon Fiber Art