Thanks For Supporting My Blog

“Balance” I made a series of drawings over Christmas, this is one of them.

The note was handwritten with a five dollar bill  folded into it.  It came to our PO Box just before Christmas.

“Hello Ms Wulf!  Thank you for your videos and the photo of Fate with the green thread on her nose!  It’s above my sewing machine! ” 

I has a signature I can’t quite read.

This is just the kind of donation  that I had in mind when I decided to ask for support for my blog.

Don’t get me wrong, I very much appreciate the many yearly donations that people have already made.  But I know that not everyone can afford that.   And I love the idea of everyone being able to pay what and how they can.

It also helps me to know what I’m doing that has meaning for people.  Eileen sent me a card with $40 and wrote, Thank you for your 30 second meditations – each one is a delicate magical moment. 

I wouldn’t stop making my Thirty Second Videos even if no one ever mentioned them to me again.  Because it’s become one of the things I do, one of the ways I express myself.  But it does make a difference to me  to know that I’m connecting with other people.  That’s really why I put my work out into the world,( besides of course, to earn a living). To make those connections with other people.  To share what touches me and has meaning for me with anyone else who might feel the same.

So thank you everyone who has already sent me a donation to help me pay for my blog and pay me for the work I do on it.

And if one of my photos or videos makes you smile or something I write has meaning for you, it’s easy to contribute to my blog by clicking on the Support My Blog button below or at the top of my blog.    Or you can send a donation in the mail to Maria Wulf  PO Box 205 Cambridge NY 12816.

Thank you!

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Full Moon Fiber Art