Yoni Tree Fabric Painting


I quickly laid out the base of the Yoni Tree, to get a feel for what it will look like,  that I’ll make with the doilies I tea stained

I made the backing for an image I saw in my mind a few days ago. But in looking at it yesterday afternoon I couldn’t see it working the way I imagined.

What I did see was a tree.  Specifically, a Yoni Tree.

Now that I’m aware of them I see them all the time on my walks in the woods. Trees that have a vulva-like opening in them.  Sometimes the openings are on the bottom, sometimes they’re up high on the tree.

A Yoni Tree

I made the vulva that will go inside the opening of the tree from two crocheted roses that I cut apart and sewed back together, a tiny mirror and  two buttons for the clitoris.

The vulva for inside the opening in the tree.

But all the white squares in the old quilt top backing were calling to me.

I knew what they wanted, designs of the ancient goddess.  Those found on the clay figures of the goddess herself and on the pottery representing her.  All the netting and zigzags the birds and bird feet that represent water, the giver or life, like the goddess herself.  Eggs, the goddess becoming and rebirth seen in the circles and spirals.

Interpreting images onto the old quilt top,  from my Language of the Goddess book by Marjia Gimbutas

This isn’t what I expected to be working on this week, but it’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while.  I’m glad I was able to change my mind about what I was doing and let this Yoni Tree be.

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Full Moon Fiber Art