My Best Vegetable Garden So Far

I still have to chop down the bolted lettuce, bitter as it is, I think the donkeys and sheep might like it.  Or not.  There’s plenty of clover growing in the pastures.

It was Sue Silverstein from the Bishop Maginn school that got me thinking I should check the garden for zucchini.   Last Wednesday, when Jon and I visited the school, Sue told me how she and some of the students, just that morning, brought over a bushel of  the vegetables they grew to the Food Pantry.

When she mentioned they had zucchini already, I imagined all the giant zucchini hiding under the big leaves in my own garden.

My Zucchini plants are still kind of small, but when I looked, there was the first Zucchini of the season.  And not too big either, I got it in time.

But the beans were plenty.

We had some for dinner and Jon is planning on putting more in a Spatzle lunch he’s making on Monday when our friend Jackie comes to visit.  (Julz, my Bellydancing teacher makes the Spatzle.   She and her husband stated their business after Julz spent 7 years perfecting her gluten-free Spatzle recipe.)

I harvested our sweet peas last week and I see there are more beginning to grow.  Some of the beets are popping out of the ground, but they’re still small, so I think I’ll leave them in the ground a little longer, but  I’m open to suggestions about that.

There are small green tomatoes on the two tall plants and my friend Kitty told me not to expect the Brussel Sprouts till the fall.   Once again, the cucumbers didn’t seem to take.  I don’t know why I keep trying with them, but the thought of fresh cucumbers always gives me hope every spring.

I think this is my best vegetable garden ever.   And by best I mean that I’m growing and  we’re eating more vegetable than ever before.

Maybe I am learning something after four years of practice.


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