My Studio Spider


A rare appearance of the spider on her web

There’s a spider’s web in my studio window that stretches out, just above the heads of the small stone animals on the sash, like a thick mist.

A part of me wants to wipe it away, I could do it so easily, in just seconds.

But I’m also fascinated by it.  It’s an impressive web.

The spider spends most of her time somewhere in the window jam, waiting, I suppose.   The web has a tunnel that leads to her hiding place and all the dead insects she’s eaten are just inside the opening.

I keep imagining the spider with a little broom sweeping the entryway to her home clean.

But all those dried up carcasses don’t seem to bother her.  And they don’t seem to deter insects from landing in her web either. Although I haven’t seen her do it, I’d guess that after liquifying them with her bite, she wraps them up and brings them to her tunnel to feast on.

I would not let a spider build a web like this one inside the house.

One of the reasons I let her stay in my studio is because I’ve been able to watch her.  Like Fate and Bud, she seems to know to keep to her own space.  And she does do me a service, catching the annoying insects that wander into my studio.

I rarely see the spider, but a few days ago there was a big beetle-like insect stuck in the web.  It wasn’t moving so I thought it was dead,  but it’s iridescent body was shimmering in the sunlight and kept catching my eye.

Like a crow attracted to shiny things, I plucked the insect out of the web making it bounce. No doubt the spider felt the vibration because she came to the mouth of the tunnel, to see what was going on.

I held the insect up so the sun caught it’s jewel-like back.   I kept thinking of a Flapper’s beaded dress or one of those tiny chainlink purses I sometimes see in antique shops.

As I looked at the beetle,  I saw one leg move then stretch out from under its body seeming to shake off a bit of web.   One by one each leg emerged and soon the golden beetle was slowly walking off the leaf I had placed it on and into the grass.

Then I felt bad for the spider.

I had stolen a hearty meal from her. She had earned it.  Her web is long and strong, dense and tight like a sticky carpet.

But, if we’re going to share my studio, we have to compromise. She can have all the flies, mosquitos, and tiny insects she can catch, but  If a moth, dragonfly or beetle lands in her web, and I see it, I’m going to set it free.

And, if that doesn’t work for her, she can find another studio to share.

The Golden Beetle I freed from the Spiders Web.

9 thoughts on “My Studio Spider

  1. I just loved your story of the spider and web. It felt like I was reading a fairy tale, but knew that it was reality. Your descriptions are so vibrant.

  2. Amazing Maria!
    The little donkey looking askance seems to be saying, “Wow, Maria, how long are ya gonna let this spider do her thing? Pretty soon her web is gonna envelope ME!” Looks like the little dog is staring up wondering the same thing! 🙂

  3. Sounds like a fair compromise to me. My daughter hates spiders but I don’t mind them. I too think they are fascinating to watch. They remind me of cats in a way – patiently waiting for prey, then the quick pounce and kill. (Although cats unfortunately sometimes toy with their victims )

  4. Oh my God, this beetle is an absolute work of art. I couldn’t even figure out what it was until I read your story. I would love to know more about her if anyone can say what exactly she is. Really remarkable. And I love your story. I get lost in these tales because I get lost in my own experiences that are similar to this. Not that many people are able to understand. I love that you share that and write so eloquently about it. Once again, thank you.

    1. Yea, she really is a remarkable creature, I’d have to do some google searching to find out what she is, I’m sure there’s a bug identification site I could go to. Maybe I’ll try. This has made me more curious about the life of spiders too…

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