Jon’s Dog Zinnia

It was just yesterday that Jon called me from his office to tell me that Zinnia was sleeping under his desk.  When I came in from my studio an hour later she was still there, and Jon had the kind of smile on his face that told me just how much had missed having “his” dog.

I get that.  I felt the same when my dog  Frieda died.  Even after she was gone I’d walk out the back door to my studio calling “Come on Frieda, let’s go to work”.

Maybe it’s because our work is so solitary that the presence of a dog means so much.  I know my studio feels empty without Fate in it. I didn’t even want to take walks when she cut her foot a few weeks ago and had to spend 5 days resting.

So now, when I go in the house and see Jon at his computer and Zinnia sleeping behind his chair or under his desk, where Red used to,  it feels as if the balance of Bedlam Farm has returned.

Zinnia has become Jon’s dog as Fate is mine.

I can’t get enough of that smile on Jon’s face. He and Zinnia are already so good for each other.

6 thoughts on “Jon’s Dog Zinnia

  1. Our dogs fill those empty spaces in our lives. I’ve had several dogs who would sleep quietly behind or beside me as I worked. Oh my! The love I felt when I noticed them there.

    1. So well said Kathleen. It is a special feeling when you don’t expect them to be there and they were all along. I think theres a sense of security and love in that.

  2. Thank whomever that he didn’t have to go long without a dog angel. When a dog surpasses your secret hopes, right from that bat, it is such a blessed experience.

    I can imagine how happy you are seeing that blossoming heart, a new path and somehow a return at the same time?

  3. Maria, You are so right about this!! Even my rather wild pup dog, Tawny, is so much company when she sleeps beside me, especially at night. I don’t know how I lived with out her! Annie
    P.S. THANK YOU for allowing Jon to post that GREAT VIDEO OF YOU DANCING to the blue grass music at the restaurant!! He’s right. You’ve got some great moves.

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