Mountain Love

I spent about forty-five mintutes piecing together a bunch of red and green flannel scraps that I had to use as part of the backing for the first quilt for Ellen.

Then as I was looking for more fabric to add to it, I came across the yardage of red and yellow rooster fabric that someone sent me.  It’s soft, and glows with warm colors.  I had to use it.  So I ditched the flannel and sewed together the rooster fabric.

This quilt has the thick wool batting in it.

When Ellen first saw a photo of the quilt, which is for her daughter’s boyfriend who lives in the mountains of Vermont, she described it as “Mountain Love”.  So that’s what I’m calling it.

It’s all ready to be tacked, but I won’t get to that today.

I’m closing up my studio early today to prepare for our Bellydancing Hafla.  I still have to make the fruit salad, take care of the animals and then get dressed for the Hafla.

But I will tack tack “Mountain Love” tomorrow.  Then both quilts will be done.


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Full Moon Fiber Art