The Three Graces and All That Red

Three Graces

I have a lot of different pieces of art that I’m working on.  I’m still trying to get some more potholders made, but it just didn’t happen today. I’m selling them quickly, so I want to make more, but today my Three Graces fabric painting called to me.

When I’m doing yoga or dancing, my fabric painting hangs on the wall in front of me.  Today as I was doing the Warrior II (a yoga position I “saw” the bottom of the fabric painting as a line of red triangles pointing down.

So I cut the edge of the quilt and will remove some red triangles from another part of the quilt that I have and resew them on the bottom edge.

But still, it needed more.

In my mind, I saw red tassels hanging off the bottom of the piece.   I knew I had some very elaborately crocheted table runners so I looked through my stash and found these wonderfully crocheted edges sewn on a simple white table runner.

I cut them off and pinned them on the bottom of the piece.  Then I went right to my computer and bought some red clothing dye.

All that red.

It reminded me of when I first began this piece when the seriousness of the coronavirus was just becoming real.  And I thought of how I was walking in the woods and visited the Mother Tree.  How as I leaned my head against her, I saw red.  I felt red fill me up from the souls of my feet and settle in my first chakra.

Red, the root chakra. Grounding. Red like the menstrual blood that still flows from me from time to time. Red symbolizing courage, action, energy, and change.

All that red, helping to keep me steady.

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Full Moon Fiber Art