Skunk Cabbage In The Swamp

Skunk Cabbage

Last week the Skunk Cabbage was just coming up in the swamp where I walk.   I went back today to see how it was growing.  The leaves weren’t too much bigger, but the seed pods were out.

They’re such unusual plants seems to me they should have a more exotic name than Skunk Cabbage.

I don’t go off the path in the woods this time of year because of the ticks, but I may use some of the tick sprays Jon bought and go in our back woods.  I want to see what kind of wildflowers I can find there.

I never knew that wildflowers grew in the woods till I moved upstate.  I’ve never seen what grows in our woods, but I want to this year.

I’ll be sure to let you know what I find.

Skunk Cabbage seed pod


8 thoughts on “Skunk Cabbage In The Swamp

  1. Hi Maria,

    After growing orchids for awhile I have become privy to weird plants. I have also grown some other weird species and have become accustomed to playing the “what would the pollinator be” game.

    If it smells bad, like carrion, a fly. If the flower looks like what it wants to attract, you got it 🙂 Sometimes there are traps too.

    Enjoy spring!


  2. Thank you for the picture. Do you eat it? It is supposed to be a good food but I never knew what it looked like.

  3. Looked up is skunk cabbage edible. It said: As a food, the young leaves, roots, and stalks are boiled and eaten.
    It is not considered edible raw, because the roots are toxic and the leaves can burn the mouth. Eating larger portions of these leaves can, in extreme cases, be fatal. Another warning: Skunk cabbage is POSSIBLY SAFE for most people when taken by mouth. Large amounts can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, decreased vision, and stomach cramps.

    And its value in the garden: Skunk cabbage also repels many mammals, so it can be useful if you have a problem with four-legged vegetable thieves. If squirrels are eating your corn or raccoons get into your tomatoes, the scent of skunk cabbage may be enough to keep them away.

    1. oh interesting Sharon. I’ve never seen them grow in a garden before. I’d love to have one. I just assumed they were like some other wildflowers that only grow where they want. And I don’t even know if that’s true. I just always assumed that some plants can’t be domesticated. (like some cats)

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