Little Red Doilies

The little doilies were sent to me in a flat white box.  So many of them in varying sizes and designs.  I kept them in the box on my desk because they seemed so special to me.  Like I know I’ll be able to use them but have no idea how just yet.

Then there was the  Tupperware container of red dye that I kept after using it to dye the lace for my Three Graces fabric painting.  Every morning I’d move it from its place on top of the cat food container to the top of the washing machine and back again.  I knew I wanted to use it before I dropped it and it spilled all over the place giving the floor a permanent pink hue.

It wasn’t a stretch of the imagination to dye the doilies red.  They were practically begging me to do it.

So I finally did.

I still don’t know how I’ll use them.  But I’m one step closer to finding out.

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Full Moon Fiber Art