Corona Kimono July 15, 2020

Corona Kimono

A few days ago Jon and I pulled up to the drive-through at  Walgreens and saw the sign in the window.  “Tender Shortage, Please Use Exact Change.”

My first thought was how strange the wording was, then I was curious why.  It seems that many people are not using their change when they pay for things because they’re afraid of it spreading the coronavirus.

So there is a shortage of change.

That got me thinking of the things that people have hoarded since the beginning of the virus. And I realized that Toilet paper, almost a symbol of the virus, hadn’t made it to my Corona Kimono yet.

So this entry on my Corona Kimono is dedicated to some of those things that have been hoarded during the virus.

But even as I’m writing this I’m thinking of rubber gloves and paper facemasks which for a while were impossible to get.  Luckily, there is space above the bag of flour where I can add more hoarded things as I think of them.

Detail of the toilet paper
My list of hoarded things
My Corona Kimono so far.

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