Spring Cleaning

Shadow me, my shadow vacuum and Bud

Outside was a bright, late winter sun, above freezing temperatures, cats, sheep, and donkeys dozing under a blue sky, mud, and rivers of melting snow.

Inside my studio, it was time to begin something new.

But I came to my work this morning without any ideas. And the mess that piles up when I go from making one piece of art to another without cleaning up after myself was beginning to inhibit me.

One of the many messes that needed cleaning up

Since I didn’t have any ideas but did have a big mess,  I decided to do a spring cleaning.   This kind of cleaning is also a way for me to get inspired.  A way to see the fabric that I have forgotten about.  Fabric that wants to come together and become something new.

So I folded and sorted and organized.

And the dust bunnies that escaped my broom for the past few months, succumbed to the vacuum.

Shadow me and my shadow bucket and mop.

And what the vacuum couldn’t pick up, the mop did.

I even kicked Fate out, and cleaned her bed, though she wasn’t happy about it.

And at the end of the day, I had a very clean studio and a few ideas.

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Full Moon Fiber Art