The Constantly Changing Orphaned Woods


If Zinnia were with us she would have jumped into the little pond the uprooted Shagbark Hickory made.  But since she had a bad stomach from the from whatever she ate in the woods on our last walk,  I thought it best to leave her home and let her recover.

I visit the toppled Shagbark Hickory whenever I’m in The Orphaned Woods to see how it changes with time and the seasons.  Today, the little pond finally started to freeze over. This also allowed me to see how the earth surrounding the tree roots is dropping to the ground, or in this case onto the ice.

Over time, I’ll be able to witness more and more of the root system as it’s exposed.

I was trying to remember what the fallen tree looked like the first time I saw it.  When I looked back on my blog for a photo of it, I was so surprised  how different it looked in the summer.  Surrounded by green, it seems a whole other place.

I could also see how the tree is laying just about parallel to the ground now and the root ball is standing straight up, not leaning over like it was when the tree first came down.

Spending time in the Orphaned Woods and seeing the constant changes that occur there has helped to make me more accepting of the less desirable changes that occur in my life.

There is no lamenting in the woods.  But there is plenty of adapting for the new growth that comes with the changes.

The Shagbark Hickory when It first fell in the summer with Zinnia heading for the water.


7 thoughts on “The Constantly Changing Orphaned Woods

  1. Thanks. That’s lovely. Where I live there is mostly only a few kinds of trees and much undergrowth. Too difficult to walk where there’s no established path. Still when one can avoidyoispn oak, much to see.

    1. So many different types of woods. In the summer the underbrush gets thick and hard to walk through here too. But luckily we don’t have any poison ivy or oak to deal with. enjoy your woods Barbara.

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