My Little Hope Potholders

Little Hope Potholders

I was determined to finish designing ten Little Hope Potholders last week. So when Friday came around and I only have five done, I broke my rule about working on the weekend and on Saturday designed five more.

When things get bad, inside myself or in the world around me, I start searching.  I’m not a Pollyanna, and I try to be aware not to deny reality, but I can’t live without hope.

Even if it’s just the tiniest spark, the littlest light it’s enough to keep me going. Who knows, it might be true that sometimes I even fabricate that little bit of hope in order to keep myself going. And if I can’t find it inside myself, I can usually always find it in the natural world around me.

That’s what my Little Hope potholders are all about.

One thought on “My Little Hope Potholders

  1. Definitely the highlight of the night, feel a deep appreciation of Lady Gaga. She has been beautifully supportive of Tony Bennett in the past. And Liza Minelli being the trooper that she is and not letting a wheelchair get in the way of her being out there.

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