Mailing Out “The Odd Duck”

I got to the Dollar Store at 9am and took the last four packs of manilla envelopes off the shelf.  They were just what I needed to mail out the twenty-three copies (two copies were donated to The Mansion) of The Odd Duck Finds Love, the book written and illustrated by some of the people who live at The Mansion.

“The gods are smiling on us,” I told Jon when I got back to the car.  First, they had the exact amount of envelopes I needed,  then with a discount,( for some reason I’m still not sure of), they only cost $1.69.

It was already a good morning.

When I got back to my office/guestroom there was the thick yellow paper that one of my Bellydanicing sisters had given away a couple of weeks ago.  I split it with Emily who said she could make a lot of beaks for her collage birds with it.

I folded the yellow paper around the little books, put in a Thank You postcard with a picture of Zinnia as a puppy on it, and slid them into the manilla envelopes.

The last thing I did was write “Please do not bend” on them.

The books sold out quickly, thanks to everyone who bought one and those of you who wanted to buy one.  The sale of half the books (The other 25 went to the people who wrote and illustrated the book and their families) was enough to cover the cost of making them.

2 thoughts on “Mailing Out “The Odd Duck”

  1. Sorry we missed getting one..very cool books. I bet everyone was thrilled with it! Great job!!!

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