The Back Pasture

The back pasture is bursting with flowers.  It’s areas like this that I’m keeping the sheep from going into. This is where they get their wool tangled with sticky seeds.  Many of the flowers are dying already, but there are still plenty in bloom.

I found this flowery mushroom growing near the pond.

And while I was looking for mushrooms, Fate was stalking some small creature living in the tall grasses on the edge of the marsh.

10 thoughts on “The Back Pasture

  1. This is lovely. I have an old horse pasture (no old horse, just the pasture — about half an acre) that I am trying to convert to a pollinator garden with wildflowers and native plants. We get so little rain it’s been slow going, but most of the seeds germinated. I am told it make take 2 or 3 years before they start to bloom. So … a long wait and a lot of work to get to where you are. I’m so jealous. But lots of rabbits and quail and other little critters have taken up residence. And of course … coyotes.

    1. Oh Jill, it sounds wonderful. And once it’s established it really takes care of itself. I’m impressed that you were able to get the seeds to grow. But I imagine if they grow with so little water, they will be able to survive and thrive under the same conditions.

      1. There is /was a wonderful botanist named David Salman (he died very recently) who sent me the seeds from his nursery and said to try “cold stratification” in our climate. I waited to sow the seed until we were forecast to get some snow, and just as it was starting I ran outside and spread pounds and pounds of wildflower seed. Then we got 2 or 3 inches of snow that covered the seed and forced it into the soil. And that, plus a reasonably good monsoon season, seemed to do the trick.

      2. Oh That’s fascinating Jill! I never would have imagined such a thing. David Salman will live in my memory though your story of the seeds and the snow.

    1. Oh Susie, I had no idea either! I was shocked that first year when they popped up all over the place. Although I think part of it is being aware and paying attention to them. it’s as if I have to take the first picture to get the process of them appearing to me into motion.

      1. 2 things enhanced my observational skills: taking pictures, and walking the dog. I was amazed at what I had been missing.

  2. Your natural garden is beautiful and healthy looking. Wild areas such as this are so important for wildlife. Birds depend on the seeds to get them through the winter. And of course the pollinators in the summer. Plus various bugs etc. I live in an area with a fair amount of “untamed” spaces and my heart rejoices to see them. I was just thinking recently that seeing such areas is a reminder to keep untamed spaces in my heart as well!

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