Cozy Days

The grass is still green and the fall flowers blooming,  but most of the apples and many of the leaves have fallen from the apple tree.

It’s been a gloomy Fall so far.  Cold damp days with little sun. I started making small fires in the woodstove to heat up the house and have turned on the heat in my studio for the first time since the spring.

I remind myself that these are the cozy days.  We’re all beginning to find ways to warm.

A mouse chewed a hole in the siding of my studio, looking for a winter home. (I’ll patch it with a piece of metal flashing.) The cats are cuddled up together on the wicker chair again and the donkeys will start growing their winter coat.

I wrap my hands around a warm mug of mint tea to keep them warm as I write this.  Time to start something new.  Maybe a quilt or potholders.  Maybe something about being warm.

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Full Moon Fiber Art