Zinnia and Merricat

Zinnia is pretty friendly to most of the animals on the farm. She does chase the chickens and Kim sometimes, but it seems that she just likes to get them to run.  She’ll lick Minnie’s face any chance she gets and doesn’t bother any of the other sheep or donkeys.

Today it was Merricat who initiated contact.  She stuck her nose through the gate and got a good sniff of Zinnia.  Then Zinnie did the same and for a while, it was a little love fest.

4 thoughts on “Zinnia and Merricat

  1. Do the sheep seem any different since Fate hasn’t been in pasture for a bit?
    I realy like this love fest, and see Fate is at the ready there too

    1. No they don’t seem to notice DawnMarie. Fate was there today, at the gate, I didn’t let her into the barnyard. A couple more days of not running for her I think.

      1. Yes stay strong you have put a lot of time, care effort to yending and letting the paw heal, wouldn’t want to undo that by giving in too soon❤️

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