A Rainy Walk In The Woods

There is dangerous flooding in the towns around us, roads washed out, and homes underwater.  We are fortunate that we haven’t experienced any of that. The rain is supposed to continue through the night and all day tomorrow.

In the woods, the cover of trees kept me mostly dry.  My feet were soaked through my sneakers, but I didn’t mind, I had a dry home to go to.   It was actually cooling like wading in the river.

There were puddles where I’d never seen them before, which Zinnia splashed thought joyfully.

And there were mushrooms…

They broke through the ground pushing last year’s leaves up and out of the way.

They were tiny and dangerously bright in color.

And they were big and feathery.

There were lots of slugs and snails (I was drawn to the “tree” design on her shell)…

…and too many salamanders to count.  This one is next to a puffball.

Ghost pipes were scattered through the woods.  It’s not a mushroom, but a plant that gets its nutrients from the ground, in tree roots and fungi instead of the sun.  This is a picture of the inside of a Ghost Pipe flower.

6 thoughts on “A Rainy Walk In The Woods

    1. Thanks Wendy. It’s my iPhone 13. Sometimes I use the wide-angle setting or just the regular photo setting. I often turn my phone upside down to get the pictures that are close to the ground.

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