Letting Mystery Work It’s Magic

When Jon and I first got together, we found an Inn in Vermont and spent a couple of days there.  Although it wasn’t far from home it was a hide-a-way, a safe place where no one knew us and we could leave our trouble behind for a while.  Of course this wasn’t entirely true, we were both going through divorces at the time and our panic attacks and worries followed us to the Inn.  But I remember getting a glimpse of what it would one day feel like to live our lives together more peacefully.

Since then we’ve gone back to that Inn many times.  And I can say my glimpse of the future, which helped me through many difficult times, was accurate.   Now were going back again and Jon and I discussed, as we always to when we go away, if we would bring our computers and blog or not.  At first, I said I was going to, I love to do little drawing of our room and post them on my blog.  But then I took a moment and thought about it.  And in my mind I saw the two days as an empty white space. And I somehow knew that what I really needed to do was to move aside and allow the two days away to happen around me.

I’m a great believer in taking action to make something happen.  But I also believe that there comes a point where we have done all we can do and we have to step aside and allow the Universe or Mystery (or what ever you want to call it) to take over.  It’s the  idea that healing and creativity come when we stop trying.  But we have to make space for it.  Not always an easy thing to do.  Like my yoga teacher says, one of the most challenging  positions is Savasana, the corpse pose, doing nothing.

So for the next two days, other than going to the Inn in Vermont, I don’t know what I’ll be doing, except have the intention to  make space for mystery.  For a change, I’ll leave it up to the Universe to “rearrange the furniture” without me.  And allow Mystery to work it’s magic.

10 thoughts on “Letting Mystery Work It’s Magic

  1. Good for you, Maria! Sadly, this is such a wonderful lesson that I’ve learned too late in life….but then again, better late than never. Doing, going, rushing, fretting….story of my life, up until the last few months when I decided, okay, enough! Time to stop trying and fetting all the time and “just be.” I commit each day to go more with the “mystery of each moment” rather than plan the moment, and get anxious over what didn’t turn out the way I had hoped…now I’m simply more grateful for the joy of unexpected mystery. I seem to sleep better, too, once I “let go.” I must confess, your precious Mary Muncil’s blog is a God-send. She is indeed amazing. Enjoy your days of rest and savor the “mystery!”

    1. Leslie, Mary first introduced me to the idea of healing when we step out of it. Her blog is a blessing, I agree. Here’s to slowing down and Mystery

  2. Isn’t it nice? My husband and I love to get away and be ourselves with each other. No phone, no tv, no computers – just us and the trees and the water and sky. I look at it as a recharging of my batteries.

  3. Thanks for this really good idea, Maria. I don’t think I would have come to a plan like this on my own, but I am going to try it and see where it takes me. My Reiki teacher is always saying, “You can’t push the river.” You have given me a new twist to this.

    Enjoy your Universe days.

  4. Dear Maria,
    I have loved your blogs about the creative work you and Jon accomplish together. But about getting away to Vermont, allow yourselves to take time to just be relaxed. When we were younger, we had to push to stay on top of our work.
    Now in our 50’s, it is the right time to explore our creativity through silence, quiet times, gentle conversation,beautiful walks in nature, music, art, or whatever nourishes our soul. We must have seqments of time “unplugged” to hear the wisdom of our souls. Be gentle and loving to yourselves…
    Lynn (yoga teacher)

  5. Dear Maria, At the age of 57, I am getting married on Saturday to the man I have loved for 15 years. I am going to wear an actual wedding dress and we are going on a real honeymoon — on Long Island. We have been through a lot of life in our 15 years together, especially in the last year. I know life will continue to happen… and yet I will follow your path and hold the honeymoon as an empty space for Mystery, peace, healing and creativity. Thank you. Love & Light, Valerie

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