Not Going Back

chloe and sheep under fanny

I’m going to Long Island to pick up my 86 year old mother, who is staying with her sister for a few days.    I’ll come home tomorrow.  I grew up on Long Island and haven’t been back there in many years.  I don’t like going back, to many memories, and I was a different person the last time I was there.

So I’m not thinking about it as going back.  I’m thinking of is going to Long Island as a new person.  The person I am now.  Not going back but having a new experience.


5 thoughts on “Not Going Back

  1. There have been times in my life when I needed to tell myself I was going somewhere, or dealing with someone, as an anthropologist. It gave me space to simply observe, without engaging, and think “How interesting. . . ” But I like your approach better: A new person having a new and different experience.

  2. Maria, Blessings to your Mother. It was a very trying period in my life to deal with my aged, ill Mother. Then do it all again for my Father. Strength to you.
    When I went back home to Buffalo NY in my twenties, I was a different woman also. The feeling that I didn’t belong there hit me first thing. Everything looked so small! I couldn’t wait to get back. 🙂

  3. Maria,
    Good luck as you go to a former place but not as the former person you were. You are so much stronger, aware, and real now. You will be giving them the opportunity to see the real you. They may or may not appreciate it but those who “know” you now will. Strength to you.

  4. Hang on. Hang on tightly to the person you have blossomed into. Look to your strong core, expansive heart, and magical creative gifts, as a touchstone, if you need strength. Sending light your way.

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