Becca And Mike And The Hankie Scarf


Becca and Mike at their wedding. You can see the Hankie Scarf that Becca is wearing.

I’ve written about Becca before.  She’s a long time customer of mine that has become a long distance friend.  We got to know each other through out blogs and emails.  Becca’s had her ups and downs and she’s written about them honestly on her blog Becca’s Event Horizon.

Becca’s also a photographer. When she met her now husband Mike, I could see something change in her photographs.  It was as if something broke open inside of her and it  was visible in her pictures.  Then she started taking photographs of Mike and writing about him too.  We got to see their relationship together blossom through her pictures of Mike.

Becca and Mike were married this month.  When Becca sent me some pictures from their wedding, my eyes teared up with joy seeing their smiles.

Then I looked at the scarf draped over Becca’s shoulders.

Becca wrote to me that it was a colder day than she expected.  So she wore one of the Hankie Scarves she bought from me.   She said it “was the perfect size and weight to keep me warm for our wedding and reception. ”

Seeing Becca in the scarf made me smile even more.  In a way, it made me feel like a part of me was at the wedding.

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Full Moon Fiber Art