Thunder And Snow


The long crystals of snow on a branch

I woke up to thunder.  It softly rolled through the sky and got closer as I took the dogs out, then fed them. It never got loud enough to crack the sky, but it rained and flashed as if it were late summer. Too warm even for my sweater.

I waited and watched on the back porch till it quieted then went out to feed the animals. They were waiting in the pole barn but came out in the drizzle to eat.

When I left my studio to feed the animals later that afternoon, the temperature had dropped and it was snowing.  Now I gave the sheep and donkeys second-cut hay to help keep them warm through the night.

The snow settled in long cross-hatched crystals. It stuck to the trees and ground like shredded coconut. It didn’t last long, but a chill got onto me that only a fired-up woodstove and hot tea could chase.

4 thoughts on “Thunder And Snow

  1. I love your writing, Maria! I feel as though I am experiencing your days and adventures. Thank you. I don’t get out often at my age.

    1. I’m so glad to be able to share it Fran. Thanks for letting me know. I don’t know what I’d do with all my words if I couldn’t write them here.

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Full Moon Fiber Art