Meeting The Moon

Zinnia in the full moon

“The moon is calling me,” I said to Jon.  But he was fast asleep.

I kept waking up, and each time I did, the pale blue light that filled the windows tugged at me.   Each time I looked out the window the long shadows of the maples shifted like a sundial.

Finally, I slipped out of bed and pulled on yesterdays clothes. Downstairs, I put on my winter coat, wool hat and gloves.   Zinnia and Fate followed me out the door and into the night.

Moon light like sunlight.

Through the gate and into the barnyard.  Lulu came out first to see what was happening.  Then Fanny and Asher followed.  They watched as we passed the apple tree.

I dug my heels into the snow, breaking the crust to keep from slipping as I went down the hill.

I could count the stars and barely make out Orion’s belt.

In the back pasture the snow was so hard we walked on top of it leaving no footprints.   A field of hard, shiny white.

The dogs sniffed at the snow, and I walked, showered in moonlight.

I don’t know why it seemed wrong to be sleeping, to be inside when the moon was so bright.  It felt like snubbing a gift, not appreciating what the moon was offering.

So I took the gift of light in the night the only way I knew how. By being in it.

And when I got too cold to stay out any longer, the moon laid a carpet of sparkles in the snow to usher me home.

21 thoughts on “Meeting The Moon

  1. How lovely. The last time I was walking on top of the snow like that I was 8 years old, on long Island. That’s a really hard crust! Your words are poetry. The full moon used to wake me up also when I lived at the beach in northern California. It called to me and drew me into it’s moon energy. After all, it pulls the tides, so why not us?

    1. Oh you’re so right LoisJean, that pull of the moon. I know I’m not as strong as the tides. It’s wonderful you remember the snow from so long ago. How special it was…

  2. Your photos are stunning. It was a gorgeous moon, so bright. I’m glad you went out to experience it. I sat at my window and watched!

  3. Oooh yes, it seemed as if there were stars on the ground! Like the sky and the earth had made a cosmic physical connection, mirroring each other.

  4. I haven’t yet done it, walking out in the middle of the night, but I think I understand the pull. I love walking the dog at night with no one around but the stars and the quietness.

  5. Listen, listen, listen to my heart song.
    I will never forget thee, I will never forsake thee.
    Yogananda ~

    I love your poetry Maria. Thank you.
    Nature is love, love is god. God is nature. Nature is love, love is god…

  6. What a beautiful picture.
    Once,when I was young, friends and I went and danced in the full moon on a summer night. Someone played a guitar and we sang and danced. Moonlight is a special kind of light.

  7. love it: “showered in moonlight” and
    “the moon laid a carpet of sparkles in the snow to usher me home”

  8. Maria, how in the world did you get the energy to get out of a warm bed and into the sparkling moonlit snow? Thank you for doing that and for sharing with us – such a gorgeous moon (and sharing with Zinnia and Fate).

  9. Thank you for taking me out to walk on fresh snow in the light of the full moon! I am 85 and never had this wonderful experience. What a beautiful gift to give to others!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Full Moon Fiber Art