Beauty in the Mundane

Christine, from Washington DC sent me this photo of her potholder in her kitchen.    It think it fits wonderfully into her wall collage.

I started making the potholders as “mini quilts”.  The idea was that if someone liked my quilts, but couldn’t afford them, they could have an inexpensive piece of functional art  to remind them of the quilts.  The potholder seemed the perfect solution.  It was something I knew I would buy and, like a dishtowel,  if you have a kitchen, you can use a potholder.  Once I started making them, I found I really enjoyed it and people wanted them.

I also believe in the idea of surrounding ourselves with beauty as much as possible.  And it doesn’t have to be expensive or decadent, it can be as simple as a colorful potholder.

4 thoughts on “Beauty in the Mundane

  1. I would be so interested in seeing pictures of Maria’s potholders and quilts in their new homes…on a bed or a wall or the back of a couch. The potholders might be under a hot dish or framed on a wall or tossed on a shelf or table or hung on a hook by the stove. I see the art on the website and then off it goes to …. I always wonder where! I could see the pictures compiled into a really cool book.

  2. I feel exactly like how you described it! I am rich with the color and art of your creations. Every kitchen should be so graced.
    Thank you again, Maria.

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