Personal Petroglyphs

Away  SOLD

A few nights ago I woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep.  It was when I decided to not take commissions anymore, which had a greater impact on me than I imagined it would.  It was as if I was finally being honest with myself about who I am and what’s  really important to me.  And when I woke up it felt like I was processing a transition from one place to another.  As if I was leaving a big part of my past behind.   I lay in bed for over an hour trying, for some reason resisting the urge to get up and draw.  Which is just what I felt like I needed to do.  That drawing would help me get from one place to another.

When I finally did get up around 4am I made two drawings Away and My Personal Petroglyphs.

In Away, the girl is leaving her known world, floating off into the unknowable.  Trusting and at ease.

My Personal Petroglyphs
My Personal Petroglyphs SOLD

In My Personal Petroglyphs the girl is rooted, grounded in what she knows and believes.   My old Studio Barn, the cat (Mother, Minnie and Flo) the girl, donkey and chest of drawers, all such familiar images to me. My language really.  Trusting and loving what is and willing to learn and move on.

   Away is sold but My Personal Petroglyphs is still available.  Both Drawings are sold. They are pencil on 9×12 archival paper.  They are $25 each + $7 shipping.  If you’re interested in either of them, just email me here or at [email protected].  I take checks and Paypal.

10 thoughts on “Personal Petroglyphs

  1. Its great that you have decided against comissions. I did to a long time ago. It was to much pressure on me to please the person that I was making the comission for. Boo to pressure.

    Some people are just happy with what you make. they are happy they have your artwork made especially for them. But there are people that want your work exactly to their stipulation.
    That is a very narrow place to create. At least for me it is.

    I make clothing that is hand dyed. I like to think I can control the dye to an extent. But really the dye can do what it wants. Depending on the fabric, the tempeture, the dyes themselves and the colors that you are blending with them…voila-magic. At least to me it is magic, but to some it’s not what they ordered, It’s NOT “the right color'” “I didn’t think it would look like that,” “I don’t think I want it anymore”. Ughh. Be there-done that.

    I just make my art now and know that the right woman will come along, with the right coloring and the right figure to fit into my one of my one-of-a-kind pieces and look like a goddess in it. So bravo for making that decision. Those kind of decisions are really hard to make. Because you feel like your letting someone down. Bravo again. 🙂

    1. I would imagine it would be really difficult when you’re working with hand dyed colors Monika. I think it great that you are trusting that the right person will find your art. I too believe that’s how it truly works, but sometimes it’s hard for me to trust it. Thanks for your words and have fun and great success with your work.

  2. Maria, taking commissions takes the spontaneity out of what we do as creative people. Good decision. You have a perfect forum for what you need to sell right here and an enthusiastic following.
    SandyP in snowy Canada where we blame the US Midwest for all our snow.

    1. Thanks Sandy, I think it’s true that I have a good forum for my work and the creativity will flow more freely now. And um about the snow, well, what can I say……

  3. Dear Maria, I love what you’ve written about transitioning from one place to another, because you are being honest with yourself about who you really are. I am in such a transition myself, and it’s the leaving what is familiar and comfortable that is difficult. Even when it is not who I really am or what I really am. Thank you for posting. Annie

    1. It interesting isn’t it Annie. That even though it’s not the “real” us, leaving it behind is so difficult. In my mind it should just feel like pure liberation. But it takes sometime to really change the mind, even it what it’s telling us isn’t the truth.

  4. You know Maria, even though it’s not the “real you” and leaving it behind is freeing, it is still the closing of a chapter to open a new one into your life. This closing is still a loss. It will take time. Hang in. 🙂

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Full Moon Fiber Art