Reclaiming Vintage Hankies

Frieda and Lenore sharing a bed in front of the woodstove on this snowy day.
Frieda and Lenore sharing a bed in front of the woodstove on this snowy day.

I felt like a kid trying to avoid doing her homework, but once I got to the Bio part of the Kickstarter project, I started having fun. (Too bad it was almost the last thing I had to write, but it’s better than not enjoying any of it).   ( For those of you who don’t know, Kickstarter is, it’s a company that helps creative people get funding for a specific project.  The funding comes from other people who want to support them and their work.)  Luckily I had Jon’s expertise and experience to help me along (I could  skip over the rules) and edit my writing.  (He accused me of having lots of run on sentences and sentence fragments, which I was happy to have him correct).   I wouldn’t want him editing my blog, but when it comes to the kind of writing that something like Kickstarter requires, I was happy to take all the help I could get.

My project is called “Reclaiming Vintage Hankies”.   And it’s about saving and collecting and using Vintage Hankies to make my scarves, pillows, potholders and whatever else I can come up with.  I won’t give away all the details (I still have to submit it and I’m sure I’ll have to make corrections) but I’m planning on making some note cards of my wall hangings to give as rewards to the pledges.

I’ll use the money I get to buy a new sewing machine and create and market the pieces I  from the Hankies.  I’m asking for $4000.  I looked at a Viking Sewing Machine last week and Wow, what I could do with that!   Who knows where it will take me!

So now I’m all excited about it.  Tomorrow Jon and I will make a video to go with it  (they say it’s good to have a video, which makes sense to me) then I’ll submit it.  And surprisingly, I’m not even nervous about it.  Either I’ll get the funding or I won’t.  Oh but I hope I do…..


17 thoughts on “Reclaiming Vintage Hankies

  1. I can’t wait to see the results of your efforts Maria. I’ve been enjoying greatly your blog writing and pictures as they are evolving. (Haven’t noticed any run ons etc.)
    Best, best wishes to you!
    from Fran
    PS Love the picture of Freida and Lenore sharing a bed. What lovely progress for Freida that now she can relax and enjoy Lenore’s close companionship.

  2. Your hankies remind me of my childhood. I remember my Grandma and my mother both carrying delicate pink roses and purple lilac hankies. I remember buying them for my teacher for her gift for Christmas. I wish I had those hankies now to send to you to make into something beautiful.

  3. Maria, I’m so glad you’ve decided to put up a kickstarter project idea! I’ll be waiting to pledge money for your new sewing machine! You have so many people who admire and have your beautiful work ( I have two potholders) and you are such a hard working, authentic person you’ll have your funding very quickly. Enjoy your late Valentines Day Lunch. Cant wait to see photos of Jon with his new camera 🙂

  4. Well, whenever your kickstarter project is up and running, you can count on some $ from me! . . .just a small way that I can support you and your dreams. . .xo veronica

  5. Hi Maria: I’m a self-taught quilter. Right now I’m working on a quilt for myself out of…Vintage Hankies,napkins and table-cloths! with a few patterns of my own thrown in as fillers. I’m also reusing an old quilt that was made with vintage material. I’m cutting that up into blocks. And since I don’t own anything other than a regular sewing machine, I’m going to try my hand at hand quilting!! You’re an inspiration to me. You just feel “it” and let it flow. You go Girlfriend!!!

    1. It sound like it’s going to be a gorgeous Quilt Carole. I hope you’ll share a photo of it when you’re all done. And have fun hand quilting! You’ll have to get some friends over to help, wouldn’t that be fun.

  6. Wow..good luck. It must be so exciting to think about. I have hankies from both my grandmother and my husbands grandmother..I love using them!

    1. Gloria, you are one of the few people I’ve heard from who still use the hankies for what they were intended. One other woman said she kept one of her mothers hankies with her at all times and it always reminds her of her mom.

  7. Oh, I am the worst at run on sentences and fragments too! Grammar was never my strong suit either! I love the idea of a Kickstarter project to get your new machine. I have a feeling you are going to be successful at it! The first time I ever heard of a Kickstarter project was when Suzanne McMinn of Chickens in the Road, raised funds to renovate a studio for classes at her farm place. Suzanne was one of the first women bloggers I followed and I still love her blog. It is so encouraging to see women endeavor to support themselves as they nurture their creative spirit – Nina Bagley of Ornamental is another woman artist whose blog promotes her gorgeous handcrafted jewelry.
    I love vintage hankies, quilts, embroidered linens (I have quite a few of these from both of my g-grandmothers, and old flower patterned dishes from the late 1800’s and early 1900’s–the more crazed and chipped the better! Good luck with your project–I would love to chip in!

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