Ice and Elevation

Merricat in the steam of Fates breath

I never made it to my studio today.

The morning was filled with sending out Little Hope Potholders and Fanny and Merricat magnets.  After lunch, I decided that I wouldn’t be going to my Bellydancing class.  My foot started hurting yesterday and up until about 2 pm today I thought it might get better.  I don’t know how I injured it, but the ball of my foot was swollen enough to make it painful for me to put any pressure on it.

Jon suggested I call my doctor, but I’m good at procrastinating that kind of thing.  He offered to dial the phone for me and it seemed to be just the right moment to call.  They had an opening in forty-five minutes.  Just enough time for me to feed the animals and drive to the office.

So now I’m elevating and icing my foot.  I’m still now sure what I did to it but it’s good to know it needs nothing more than some rest and tending to.

I’ll get back to work in my studio tomorrow with ice and elevation breaks in between.

2 thoughts on “Ice and Elevation

  1. Only Fate moves so fast that you can nail a photo of her breath three to four feet behind her, and then she’s already turned a full 180 and the steam is still coming out of her mouth in front of her! Amazing! 🙂

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Full Moon Fiber Art