Winter Breath

This morning I felt the cold was here for good.

The water in the birdbath was frozen solid. There was a blanket of frost on the sheeps woolly backs.  The water froze in the hose to the animals water bucket.

Time to winterize I thought, and made a list in my head as I broke the ice in the cat’s water bowl.  Plug in the chickens water bowl, take the hoses in, put the storms on my studio and fill the bird feeder.

That’s Constance in the video, looking like a fire breathing dragon without the flames.

The coals in the woodstoves were still hot this morning.  That means no more starting the fires from scratch.  No more matches.  I still used some newspaper and kindling to get the fires started, but soon they’ll be going day and night.

This warm  fall has made me appreciate the coming winter like never before.


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Full Moon Fiber Art